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Having a child in your own home is better than disappointing your parents with a unplanned baby

2 years Ago Report

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Gals we are the one who feel more pressure and the weight of having a child so have a child when you know that you are ready

2 years, 1 month Ago Report

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Kabongo Kasuba

Only have a child when you are sure about it not when you having doubts

2 years, 1 month Ago Report

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Grace me

A woman can never be treated the some simply because people have the same mindset as if it's the girl who got herself pregnant

2 years, 4 months Ago Report

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Madalitso Nyirenda

Yes, there is a friend of mine, he had a baby and he left his baby Mama then the parents took the responsibility of paying for the child support.

2 years, 4 months Ago Report

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A child is made by two people. Both these people need to be responsible for what they created. It’s sad that it’s common these days that some men actually deny kids.

2 years, 4 months Ago Report

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4 years Ago Report

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Both the girl and the guy should take responsibility of the child, dont live the girl it's not a easy thing to a girl to grow up a child alone.

4 years Ago Report

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At the end of the day both the girls and the guy have to take responsibility for their action and tend to the child.✌

4 years Ago Report

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No one it's time

4 years Ago Report

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Pricilar mulenga

It is not good to walk away,if you know that you are not ready

4 years Ago Report

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No one

4 years Ago Report

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It's not right to walk away from the pregnance because you are responsible and you have to live with it and support your partner all the way, but some times it may be that you had not planned it or maybe your relationship is not that serious all the same you have a child together,it needs your suport.

4 years Ago Report

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There is no one to blame because this are the fallacies that we make in reasoning. This happens with time. if life gives you an opportunity at least do something. A mistake has to be once it should not repeat twice. we all learn through fallacies.

4 years Ago Report

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Peer pressure made me do such....

4 years Ago Report

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It's always hard for a girl to do the right thing in such cases

4 years Ago Report

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Christabel Chikwikwi


4 years Ago Report

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Very true it's take people to make a baby, no one to blame

4 years Ago Report

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John Sakala

I think it's better to agree for both parties, if the girl gets pregnant. You may think it's the boys fault but I some cases the girl really wanted the pregnancy

4 years Ago Report

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I think it's better to agree for both parties, if the girl gets pregnant. You may think it's the boys fault but I some cases the girl really wanted the pregnancy

4 years Ago Report

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