we all got feelings & it's a lot easier to talk to a friend...
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About sex i find it hard to talk about it to guardian but its eash to discuss with a close friend.
my mother I trust her more than anyone ,she knows me better
Type your comment here...I think talking to the professions like nurses n doctors is best
Young pple must talk to pple thy trust instead of talking to their friend abt sex.
Type your comment here...This is a good platform for a youth
yong people must promote with other preventive methods such as avoid unsafe sex behaviors,reduction of the number of sexual partners and consistent use of condoms if you are ingage on sex
talking about sex is very good to our partners.there are more benefits.and it is important to know your HIV status BEFORE you engege on it
yong people shold b substain.
Country: Zambia
we all got feelings & it's a lot easier to talk to a friend...
5 years, 10 months Ago Report0 Reply
About sex i find it hard to talk about it to guardian but its eash to discuss with a close friend.
6 years, 9 months Ago Report0 Reply
my mother I trust her more than anyone ,she knows me better
6 years, 9 months Ago Report0 Reply
Type your comment here...I think talking to the professions like nurses n doctors is best
6 years, 9 months Ago Report0 Reply
Young pple must talk to pple thy trust instead of talking to their friend abt sex.
6 years, 9 months Ago Report0 Reply
Type your comment here...This is a good platform for a youth
6 years, 9 months Ago Report0 Reply
yong people must promote with other preventive methods such as avoid unsafe sex behaviors,reduction of the number of sexual partners and consistent use of condoms if you are ingage on sex
6 years, 9 months Ago Report0 Reply
talking about sex is very good to our partners.there are more benefits.and it is important to know your HIV status BEFORE you engege on it
6 years, 9 months Ago Report0 Reply
yong people shold b substain.
6 years, 9 months Ago Report0 Reply