True facts cause a girls body is something so respectful and when it is disrespected it will never be respected again... And i salute you for making that decision...
Wow I am so motivated to continuing to be a both in this is true having sex with someone does not mean they'll love you
I myself feel the same way about giving your body to someone😊😊
What advice can you give to someone who is trying to follow in your footsteps ?
2 years, 9 months Ago Report0 Reply
Yes. Waiting for the right reasons is one of the best decisions one can ever make in life.
3 years, 2 months Ago Report0 Reply
True facts cause a girls body is something so respectful and when it is disrespected it will never be respected again... And i salute you for making that decision...
3 years, 11 months Ago Report0 Reply
How a vergin to start sex first time
4 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply
May i
4 years, 10 months Ago Report0 Reply
Type your comment here...i like it
7 years, 5 months Ago Report0 Reply
Wow I am so motivated to continuing to be a both in this is true having sex with someone does not mean they'll love you I myself feel the same way about giving your body to someone😊😊
7 years, 5 months Ago Report0 Reply
You go on girl! Marriage is the right way to go! Wait for Holy Matrony!
7 years, 5 months Ago Report0 Reply
Exactly who I am
8 years, 3 months Ago Report0 Reply
I can relate
8 years, 7 months Ago Report0 Reply
Also waiting for the right person,knowing there are more people who believes the same things i believe. keep the spirit
9 years Ago Report0 Reply
sis i cn continue wth de sam spirit n i envy u bad kind........
9 years Ago Report0 Reply