I thought like having sex using a condom is more like bathing with a raincot, kanshi it protests us from many diseases, guys lets start using condoms now
i wish most of the youths can access this page, it has a lot of important message, the only problem that i see hear is that, the people who have access to this page are the silent people, those who read and keep the information to themselves, most people would read this on a bus, tax, at a mallwhilst waiting for food or some friends, but the greatest challenge to usis how do we getvthis great information to people who arw not online. am glad i have learnt something from this page but how about my brothers and sisters on the street in our compounds, villages.
I thought like having sex using a condom is more like bathing with a raincot, kanshi it protests us from many diseases, guys lets start using condoms now
4 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply
Thanks For The Information.
6 years, 6 months Ago Report0 Reply
Naomi W
Thnks for the lesson ...I also used to think sex with a codom is not fun but its jx fine cox u won't hv to worry about pregnancy or diseases
7 years, 6 months Ago Report0 Reply
Thanx!Well taught!
8 years, 5 months Ago Report0 Reply
i wish most of the youths can access this page, it has a lot of important message, the only problem that i see hear is that, the people who have access to this page are the silent people, those who read and keep the information to themselves, most people would read this on a bus, tax, at a mallwhilst waiting for food or some friends, but the greatest challenge to usis how do we getvthis great information to people who arw not online. am glad i have learnt something from this page but how about my brothers and sisters on the street in our compounds, villages.
8 years, 5 months Ago Report0 Reply
Thanks at last have gotten some sense
8 years, 5 months Ago Report0 Reply
Finally I have known something.
8 years, 5 months Ago Report0 Reply