No has to be a firm No. girls sometimes mean yes and that confuses the guys n later claim they have been raped blackmail the guys if they feel their motives haven't been fulfilled.
I Dont think its right for anyone to continue asking for sex after you tell them no,if he/she persists, breaking up with them should be a good idea,cause they just might want you for sex.
Sometimes us as teenagers we think if the girl don't wanna have sex with me we think that she don't love me .......or cheating on me.....BT by having sex that's the sign to show she love me
Hey Sindoora.... checkout these cool articles which can further help you understand this topic...
Kabongo Kasuba
By all means it's your choice
2 years, 9 months Ago Report0 Reply
Stacy mubanga
Abustane is the right thing to do
4 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply
Better to wait until you're all ready
5 years, 7 months Ago Report0 Reply
Dats true
5 years, 10 months Ago Report0 Reply
Well everyone has the right to say no to sex. Besides, if you really love someone just respect their choice of deciding to wait for the right moment.
6 years, 7 months Ago Report0 Reply
No is a full sentence!!!!
6 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply
Type your comment here...after all its a human ryt....if u don't want to its ur ryt
6 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply
No has to be a firm No. girls sometimes mean yes and that confuses the guys n later claim they have been raped blackmail the guys if they feel their motives haven't been fulfilled.
6 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply
Khaya K
Just take your time and think about the future. I am sure no one wants a baby at this age right?
6 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply
youth must say no to sex until they get married
6 years, 9 months Ago Report0 Reply
u have every right to say no to sex until u are ready
6 years, 9 months Ago Report0 Reply
Indeed youth must say no to sex untill thy get married.
6 years, 9 months Ago Report0 Reply
She's right...if he really loves her...he'll have to wait until she's ready
6 years, 9 months Ago Report0 Reply
Say no
6 years, 9 months Ago Report0 Reply
I Dont think its right for anyone to continue asking for sex after you tell them no,if he/she persists, breaking up with them should be a good idea,cause they just might want you for sex.
6 years, 10 months Ago Report0 Reply
Sometimes us as teenagers we think if the girl don't wanna have sex with me we think that she don't love me .......or cheating on me.....BT by having sex that's the sign to show she love me
6 years, 10 months Ago Report0 Reply
but even me am a boy but i can't do sex,y? cause sex is not accepted when you are not married
7 years, 11 months Ago Report0 Reply
its high time we as girls learn stand up 4 our selvz & learn to say no to sex
8 years, 6 months Ago ReportRecent Replies
Tune Me Moderator
Hey Sindoora.... checkout these cool articles which can further help you understand this topic...
8 years, 6 months Ago ReportIshmael
With girls its important to say no and give out a reason and also to inform your partner that love is not by sex
8 years, 6 months Ago Report0 Reply
Sure evening u are in need with it
8 years, 10 months Ago Report0 Reply