Don't be fooled by those who say such things, for "bad company corrupts good character." My brother I decided to start with this verse because you need it even now. You learnt a lesson that you should pass it on to the next generation. Give thanks to God and repent for what you did and move on with Him, put your trust in him His ways so that you do not fall into such traps again. Be Blessed, Shalom.
It's gud that you now have som knowledge nd you'll never make the same mistake in future nd that you'll teach you children even more coz of your experience
It is very true that most often parents just teach that sex is bad. They "forget" to explain to children of both the spiritual and physical consequences of sex outside marriage or too young in life. One thing they should understand is that as children grow, they develop feelings and it is their duty to help them cope with these feelings in the best possible way.
Don't be fooled by those who say such things, for "bad company corrupts good character." My brother I decided to start with this verse because you need it even now. You learnt a lesson that you should pass it on to the next generation. Give thanks to God and repent for what you did and move on with Him, put your trust in him His ways so that you do not fall into such traps again. Be Blessed, Shalom.
6 years, 5 months Ago Report0 Reply
It's gud that you now have som knowledge nd you'll never make the same mistake in future nd that you'll teach you children even more coz of your experience
7 years, 10 months Ago Report0 Reply
wow... ur a lucky guy,its good you know, what sex means and that it can only be experienced with proper self satisfying intensions
7 years, 10 months Ago Report0 Reply
mukwenda henry saks
8 years, 1 month Ago Report0 Reply
It is very true that most often parents just teach that sex is bad. They "forget" to explain to children of both the spiritual and physical consequences of sex outside marriage or too young in life. One thing they should understand is that as children grow, they develop feelings and it is their duty to help them cope with these feelings in the best possible way.
8 years, 2 months Ago Report0 Reply
Very wonderful taken
8 years, 3 months Ago Report0 Reply
nice one my guy
8 years, 7 months Ago Report0 Reply
hitter quan
nice one skothane
8 years, 7 months Ago Report0 Reply
hitter quan
nice one
8 years, 7 months Ago Report0 Reply