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Cc boy

To tune me member who wrote the story: my father took other wives. Know one thing, millions of children around the whole would live under this error...even I myself live in it. Yes it is painful and awful while at the same time disturbing, and like I said I'm from the same situation, life gave me a lesson that goes: it doesn't care where you are from or what happened to you, it cares about what you have. So my advise to you is that do not use that as a reason why you are stagnant in life but rather make it a motivation, fight to liberate yourself from the chain of poverty. Change what you can change, leave the rest to God. You can still change your future to a bright one but your father's decisions you can not change...don't greaf on that just cultivate yourself, even if rain falls but if it falls on concrete it has no efect so motivate yourself and you shall be the best.

6 years, 4 months Ago Report

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while wonderful and touching story

8 years, 2 months Ago Report

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thats bad dear, my dad do the same thing, and now he has to wives with 12children.

8 years, 4 months Ago Report

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