This is educative, however there is need on how to handle rape cases in that if a boy or male child is raped and when their case is reported to the authority ( police) most rape victims are laughed and hence most male persons who experience rape prefer to shy away from reporting as compared to the females when they are victims of rape their cases are taken to be serious......lastly, I would wish male victims receive the same support the females receive when they are victims of rape
This is educative, however there is need on how to handle rape cases in that if I boy or male child is raped and when their case is reported to the authority ( police) most rape victims are laughed and hence most male persons who experience rape prefer to shy away from reporting as compared to the females when they are victims of rape their cases are taken to be serious......lastly, I would wish male victims receive the same support the females receive when they are victims of rape
Mmm Okay but on the issues of rape I have come to understand about what I have been hearing from others relationship, like a girl will not agree to have sex but she wants. So I have understand the point that rape issues are common.
Have not been raped before but i think one of the best ways to help a survivor is to love them unconditionally, encourage them to go for medical check up and without forgetting to report the matter to the nearrest police station .
We need to ensure that people who have experienced sexual violence of any sort able to get psychological support as well because we can go through all the legal steps but end up losing the person to depression. There is a lot of survivors' guilt and post traumatic stress disorder that affects people who have survived such experiences.
That's a great question for one of our experts. You can ask them your question all day on Thursday. We have experts on Rights, HIV, Sex and Love. Join in.
Dorcas Mwandila
This article is educative
4 months, 3 weeks Ago Report0 Reply
The artical was an interesting artical an all also an educational artical # i loved it.
1 year, 2 months Ago Report0 Reply
It's good we need report fast
2 years, 6 months Ago Report0 Reply
This is very edaucational if such information is given in rural areas they would be less cases
2 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply
This is very educative I can't stop getting the education from it
2 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply
Most of the time it's men who rape girls or women now I have a question can a man or boy be raped?
3 years, 1 month Ago Report0 Reply
This is educative, however there is need on how to handle rape cases in that if a boy or male child is raped and when their case is reported to the authority ( police) most rape victims are laughed and hence most male persons who experience rape prefer to shy away from reporting as compared to the females when they are victims of rape their cases are taken to be serious......lastly, I would wish male victims receive the same support the females receive when they are victims of rape
3 years, 2 months Ago Report0 Reply
This is educative, however there is need on how to handle rape cases in that if I boy or male child is raped and when their case is reported to the authority ( police) most rape victims are laughed and hence most male persons who experience rape prefer to shy away from reporting as compared to the females when they are victims of rape their cases are taken to be serious......lastly, I would wish male victims receive the same support the females receive when they are victims of rape
3 years, 2 months Ago Report0 Reply
Mmm Okay but on the issues of rape I have come to understand about what I have been hearing from others relationship, like a girl will not agree to have sex but she wants. So I have understand the point that rape issues are common.
4 years, 6 months Ago Report0 Reply
Stacy mubanga
4 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply
Elton chongo
Have not been raped before but i think one of the best ways to help a survivor is to love them unconditionally, encourage them to go for medical check up and without forgetting to report the matter to the nearrest police station .
4 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply
Ross .k
For sure thanks
4 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply
Very educative
4 years, 9 months Ago Report0 Reply
Khariff West
✔️👏perf per thanks
5 years, 1 month Ago Report0 Reply
We need to ensure that people who have experienced sexual violence of any sort able to get psychological support as well because we can go through all the legal steps but end up losing the person to depression. There is a lot of survivors' guilt and post traumatic stress disorder that affects people who have survived such experiences.
6 years, 3 months Ago Report0 Reply
thnx will keep them in case coz u cn never be too careful these days
7 years, 10 months Ago Report0 Reply
How do they know if a guy has been raped?
8 years, 5 months Ago ReportRecent Replies
Tune Me Moderator
That's a great question for one of our experts. You can ask them your question all day on Thursday. We have experts on Rights, HIV, Sex and Love. Join in.
8 years, 5 months Ago ReportAnonymous
how can i help a gal who ws forced to have sex wth his ex bf?
8 years, 6 months Ago Report0 Reply