It is so easy to spend the entire holiday spending money on gifts, partying and alcohol. As much as you may want to party it up you still need to be responsible. Because holidays will end and then it’s back to studying or work.
Here's how you can have fun without overdoing the drinking:
- Don’t drink at all! Focus on getting fit and healthy over the holidays or gaining a skill.
- Don’t drink on an empty stomach. Eating helps to slow down the effect of alcohol on your body.
- Don’t let someone else fill your glass. Keep track of just how much you are drinking.
- Don't walk alone in the dark when you're drunk. You could be a victim of crime like a sexual assault.
- Don't give into peer pressure. You don't have to drink if you don't want to.
- Do alternate alcoholic drinks with soft drinks or water. It will be better for you and your pocket.
- Do know your limits. Studies say this is a maximum of four units of alcohol per day for men and two for women. A unit differs depending on how much alcohol is in a drink. But it is about 1 small (330ml) beer or a single shot of a spirit like whisky.
Holiday and parties can be a lot of fun. But alcohol is bad news. It affects your ability to think clearly and make the best decisions. Stay away from alcoholic drinks and stick to drinks like sodas or water.
If you or someone you love struggle to say no to alcohol, talk to an adult you can trust. Dealing with a drinking problem can be scary, but the first step is to ask for help.
9 comments Log in to commentMateo78
Nice readup
1 year, 4 months Ago Report0 Reply
Thanks really helpful!
2 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply