Dating, or spending special alone time with someone, is how to figure out if someone is the one - or the one to leave behind. And there are some behaviours you should never accept.
These red flags are the kinds of issues that won’t go away with time. They will probably only get worse.
Here are some signs they are not be The One:
1. They’re cheating. Cheaters rarely change their ways. Cut ties now to prevent further heartache - and potential STIs!
2. They’re jealous. Jealousy is not sexy. It is an emotion driven by fear, anger and insecurity.
3. They’re controlling. Controlling behaviour also stems from fear, anger and insecurity. If they don't allow you to have your own life, get help to get out. When someone tries to control you, it’s a form of abuse.
4. They drink too much or take drugs. Addiction is a lifelong disease for many people. Don’t let it take over your life too.
Everyone has issues. But some things are warning signs for bigger problems. Be smart about who you take the next step with.
22 comments Log in to commentMoriah
The way I just love my own space.having a man control everything I do would be a pain
2 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply
What if he's a liar as well?
2 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply