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Content appropriate for readers 15 and older

Anger Issues Checklist

Could You be Abusive?

Almost everyone is capable of some manipulative or controlling behaviour from time to time – we all want to get our way or win the argument. But there is a line between wanting to win and being abusive. Remember that abuse is not always physical. It can be emotional or controlling behaviour. Both guys and girls can be abusers.

You may notice yourself:

If you recognise more than a few of the above warning signs, it’s time to take a closer look at yourself. These are signs of being abusive. It’s time for you to speak to someone and get some help before you hurt someone.

Need to talk to someone? Call the 116 helpline under Lifeline Zambia or visit our help pages below.


18 comments Log in to comment


Young people, there is nothing that he/she will change as the relationship grows older or in marriage, some relationships are just toxic stay away if your partner can not be helped to change because no time will not change him

4 months, 3 weeks Ago Report

0 Reply


It's really educative and interesting to learn something's we go through in life

1 year, 2 months Ago Report

0 Reply

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