A date rape can be confusing as it most often starts off with a mutual interest. You both liked each other, it looked positive and then something bad happens. But a survivor of date rape never experiences the act itself in a positive way, even in a date situation before the rape was pleasant.
How can you handle a date that gets out of hand?
- Stay sober and aware.
- Trust your gut - if you begin to feel nervous or uncomfortable about the way things are going, do something about it right away. Get away from the situation to a place where you feel more comfortable.
- Ask direct questions if things get confusing. Say something like ‘Are you trying to force me? I told you I am drunk.’
- Don’t feel embarrassed to scream for help, fight or run if someone is trying to rape you. Scream first and you can explain later.
- Don’t worry about who hears you scream or who finds out. Get yourself to a safe place and then you can worry about what you are going to say.
If you have been raped, no matter what the circumstances, you need to go to your nearest clinic immediately so they can reduce the risk of pregnancy and HIV.
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I like the content of the article.... I liked it
4 years, 6 months Ago Report0 Reply
Those very true fact
8 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply