Thinking about sex is part of growing up. But feeling sexy or horny doesn’t mean you have to have sex! You cannot jump into bed with everyone you feel attracted to. You would risk not only your reputation - but pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV.
Here are some ways to handle sexual feelings:
Masturbate: Masturbation is the ultimate in safe sex. You can do this as often as you like as long as you keep it private.
Distract yourself: It may be easier to avoid the things that get you sexually excited. Don’t expose yourself to sexual images (porn) and stay busy by doing things like studying to create a positive future for yourself.
Set sex rules: Do you know what your own sexual rules are? Have you decided how far you are willing to take things with another person? You set the rules. Here are some examples of rules: I stop at kissing. I always keep my underwear on. I don’t have sex if I am drunk. I never have sex without a condom. I don’t sleep with a guy until we both have HIV tests. I will wait to have sex once I am married. It’s your body and you can decide what you feel comfortable doing. If you have set yourself a clear limit, then you’ll know when to say ‘no’.
Fool around in other ways: You can be close, kiss, cuddle and have sexual play without having penetrative sex with any lover. You can choose to masturbate, or masturbate with each other, give each other orgasms and have fun without worrying.
Penetrative sex has risks that can change your life - like a pregnancy. Focus on the other important things, like finishing school or learning a trade, so you can support yourself and later, your family.
Everyone thinks about sex sometimes and during puberty it can feel like it's the only thing on your mind! Don't become obsessed with it and lose sight of your education or your life plan. Set rules for yourself and stick to them.
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What Happens If You Dont Have Sex For A Long Time?
8 years, 3 months Ago ReportRecent Replies
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8 years, 3 months Ago ReportJoe king man
I was told dat masturbation can lead u to it true o false?
8 years, 5 months Ago ReportRecent Replies
Tune Me Moderator
That's a great question for one of our experts. You can ask them your question all day on Thursday. We have experts on Rights, HIV, Sex and Love. Join in.
8 years, 5 months Ago ReportDavid terry
If you masturbation every day not cancer if you don't masturbation every day you get prostate cancer and sperm old clean up out sperm you should sex woman make good health
7 years, 5 months Ago Report