Nobody is allowed to make you have sex. But when someone really wants to have sex with you, they may say many things to get you to agree. Try these answers…
Them: Don't you love me?
You: Yes, and if you love me, you’ll respect my choice. / Yes, but I want to get to know you better.
Them: My friends think we should have done it by now.
You: They don’t know what’s best for us / You should care more about what I think - and I don’t agree!
Them: C'mon, let’s just do it!
You: If we wait until we’re ready, it’ll be much better.
Them: You would do it with me if you really loved me
You: It’s because I love you that I want to wait / If you really loved me, you wouldn’t say that
Them: If we don’t do it soon, I’ll explode!
You: Perhaps masturbation will ease that problem! Then you can relax and take your time with me.
Them: But you’re 16!
You: Just because it’s legal, doesn’t mean I have to / I’ll decide when I feel ready - and I’m not ready yet.
Practice saying these words out loud…
- No, I’m not ready!
- No, I don’t want to!
- No, it doesn’t feel right!
Boys, remember if a girl says ‘no’, it’s ‘no’! And girls, remember it is your right to say ‘no’!
25 comments Log in to commentKabongo Kasuba
By all means it's your choice
2 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply
Stacy mubanga
Abustane is the right thing to do
4 years, 6 months Ago Report0 Reply