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Content appropriate for readers 15 and older

Sex With Many Partners

What’s Wrong With That?

Guys and girls have so many different ideas about sex and love. Some people stick with one lover, but others think it’s fine to sleep with a few people at the same time. But sleeping with more than one person puts your health (and theirs) at risk.

You live in the time of HIV and this makes sleeping around very risky:

What can you do to reduce your risk of being infected?

Having sex with many sexual partners at the same time really increases your chances of getting STIs and HIV. Remember that unprotected sex means you are having sex with all the current and previous sexual partners of the person you are in bed with.


11 comments Log in to comment


But how do we stop this ?

6 years, 4 months Ago Report

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lushomo mailo

Great lesson serious

7 years, 11 months Ago Report

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