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CityPrincess - How soon is too soon?

The 'three-month rule'

Whenever I watch those American sitcoms where the episode is about first-time sex, I just laugh at the ‘wait three dates before having sex' rule. Three dates? Are you for real? That's nothing! If you think of how long dates are, you're looking at approximately three hours per date, which comes to about nine hours of knowing someone before you're in their bed?

And that's called waiting too long?

In my experience, guys hate waiting for things to head for the bedroom.

I'll never forget the speech my ex gave me about wanting us not to rush. He wanted it to be ‘special’... but this dream guy turned into a nightmare.

One night at a party, he flirted with another girl and practically offered sex to her even though I was right there! I thank my lucky stars we hadn't had sex yet (even though many would die to hear that as we'd been dating almost three months).

But honestly, who knows who else he was with behind my back. How many girls was he making advances on without my knowledge? I'm starting a three-month minimum rule ;)

Setting rules around sex and how far you will go is a good idea. A rule is a promise to yourself. Your rule could be three months; it could be only when you’re married or even only with a condom. It is your body, so you make the rules.


5 comments Log in to comment


dat's right, three month in date? wow!

7 years Ago Report

0 Reply

amazing guy

Ur right ,actualy 3 months is gud

7 years, 4 months Ago Report

0 Reply

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