It's official. We've made it into the new year. Some of my friends entered this year while having fun on a road trip, others were partying it up in a club or counting down in a romantic setting on holiday.
I, on the other hand was at home with my family. Asleep.
Don't get me wrong, sure, half of it is because I think that ultimately, this is just one more day in that cycle of 365. But the other half, the part of me that holds onto to possibility is excited about today.
It's the first day of a new year. A day that represents hope, the excitement of new things and new opportunities. The possibility of new connections and new love.
I'm not really big on resolutions. They're usually very difficult things for me to stick to. So I won't call them that but rather term them ‘personal ideals’.
I hope to love without reservation.
To be less selfish and more forgiving.
To tell the people I love how important they are to me.
To look after myself, my body and my heart.
Tell us … what are the ‘personal ideals’ you have this year? And what are the things you want to change for the better?
3 comments Log in to commentSaz
My personal ideal for 2018 are:to get into university in preparation for my future :to conduct a complete survey on my self to know my self better than I know
6 years, 6 months Ago Report0 Reply
This year, i'll learn n achieve n succeed in all my goals.
7 years Ago Report0 Reply