I pointed him out to my friend Tumelo. She scanned him up and down then shrugged. Really? Did she really not think he was sexy? I couldn't believe it!
It was when he stood up from his seat and had this cool way of walking, a saunter really, that her eyebrow shot to the sky: "Okay, girl. Before I just thought he was hot, but now I see this dude is sexy."
So what makes a guy sexy?
It's not just his looks. He wasn't exactly Zac Ephron. But this guy had something - an X-Factor - and he walked like he knew it. The guy knew his worth without being arrogant. He had fashion sense. There was a look in his eye. I couldn’t resist.
But is Mr Sexy is a keeper?
Not if all he has to offer is sexiness. There's much more to a relationship than charm and magnetism. Just because he's sexy doesn't mean he's smart or a nice guy. And if you think he's sexy, others will too. Is he faithful, loyal, and committed to you?
Good looks with nothing to back them up are worthless; an expiry date stamped right between his gorgeous pecs.
Every guy has a unique body and look. What makes you attractive to others is not just your body, but all of you. Admire successful, gentle and kind men - not just guys who look like movie stars. Looking good is about self-love and self-respect.
Sexy is great. But sometimes nice is so much better. Do you agree? Tell us below.
Want to know how a guy's body changes during puberty? Read more below.
30 comments Log in to commentMcOsward
Dear ladies look for guys who are kind ,love u naturally, has respect for you and your family and most importantly fears God.. chao
6 years, 3 months Ago Report0 Reply
That's very true one shouldn't go for looks for looks re deceiving bt rather go for a kind and gentle man
6 years, 11 months Ago Report0 Reply