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Masturbation, Ejaculation and Wet Dreams

What It’s All About?

Masturbating is when you touch or rub your genitals in a way that feels good. This will give you an erection and usually ends in ejaculation - when semen comes out the tip of your penis. When you have an orgasm (also known as climaxing or ‘cumming’), you will almost always ejaculate at the same time. Orgasm is a very strong feeling of pleasure that passes through your body.

Your semen is made up of fluids and sperm. Sperm is what can make a girl pregnant if you have unprotected sex. When you ejaculate during sex, the semen will help your sperm to travel through the vagina, cervix and uterus into the fallopian tubes where the sperm hope to meet an egg. If they meet, the egg is fertilised in the fallopian tube. If the fertilised egg attaches itself to the girl’s uterus, she is pregnant.

When you ejaculate, don’t worry that you’re wasting your semen because your body makes new sperm and semen every day. Pre-ejaculatory fluid (pre-cum) may also have sperm in it and may cause a pregnancy.

During puberty, you will probably wake up to find you ejaculated during a dream. This is called a wet dream. Most boys have wet dreams but as you get older it doesn’t happen as much.

Masturbating is a safe, pleasurable way to learn about your body. However, masturbation is one of those topics that not everyone agrees on. For some people, it is against their religious beliefs or personal values. The choice to masturbate or not is a personal one that only you can make based on your own values and beliefs. If you do decide to do it, always do it in private. It is one way to handle strong sexual feelings you may have and it is safe!

Remember, your body is special and if you’re going to let someone else touch your penis, make sure it’s someone you trust and feel safe with. That person should always freely agree and feel comfortable touching your penis.

Masturbation is a personal choice. It is against the beliefs of some people. For those who think it is okay, it is a safe way to learn about your own body and what feels good. It is healthy but it should not distract you from other areas of your life. Remember your ejaculate is full of sperm (more than 200 million!) and can make a girl or woman pregnant.

Thinking about sex a lot? Not as much as Badboy. Read his story below.


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Good to know

2 years, 9 months Ago Report

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I have been looking for solutions on how to stop the addiction of masturbation, i started masturbating at a young age and am very addicted to it, my main concern is it has affected my sexual life such that I can't go upto 2 rounds when having actual sex, i need your serious advise on this people..

4 years, 5 months Ago Report

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