Is menstruation unclean?
No! Menstruation is entirely natural and normal. If you’re worried about smelling different, remember to change your pad regularly (at least every four hours) and stay clean (wash yourself daily using water). You may change your pad more or less regularly depending on how heavy your flow is.
Does menstruating mean a girl is now a woman?
No! Starting your period doesn’t suddenly make you an adult or a woman. What it does mean is that you can now get pregnant. Young women and even girls can get pregnant, but that doesn't mean they are ready to become wives or mothers or ready for sexual relationships.
Is it true that when used pads are burned they make you unable to have a baby?
No. That’s not true at all. It is just another way to dispose of pads.
I get pain during my period, is this normal?
Yes. Many girls have some cramping pain.
Is it true that if I delay sex I won’t be able to have a baby later on?
No. That is totally untrue. Early sex can be risky for you!
Menstruation is clean, natural and a healthy body function. If you are worried about anything discuss it with a woman you trust, ask at your clinic or research it. Don’t listen to crazy stories, rather find out the facts.
(adapted from Dr Eve’s Sex Book: A Guide for Young People)
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It is normal to attend for 3 days? If you menstruation period more than a month it’s not normal kindly visit any nearest clinic for medical check ups
2 years, 9 months Ago Report0 Reply
why do periods stop when you have a baby?
6 years, 6 months Ago Report0 Reply