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Feeling Sad All the Time?

The Difference Between Moodiness and Depression

There’s a line between moody, especially when you’re a teenager, and being depressed. Depression is a medical term to describe a constant feeling of sadness and lack of interest. Moodiness tends to come and go.

You can feel depressed even if everything seems to be going your way. Maybe you are alone and have no choice in this, or you don’t feel part of a group or event, or you just don’t have anyone who understands you.

You may feel:

The problem with depression is that it can lead to bad or destructive behaviour. You may use drugs or alcohol just to feel better, or you may have unsafe sex ending up in unplanned pregnancy or HIV or other STIs. You may even feel as if you hate yourself or want to hurt yourself.

Depression is a serious and common condition. It can be treated, but you will need to acknowledge it and seek treatment. In addition to counselling and medical treatment, you will be taught how to cope with depression. Lifeline Zambia has a helpline that you can call to get counselling and to be linked with the right health providers..

Need to talk to someone now? Call 116 - the free Helpline under Lifeline Zambia.


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That's how life is bt make sure u ovrcme that

4 years, 8 months Ago Report

0 Reply


Life is all that????

5 years, 7 months Ago Report

0 Reply

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