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Access to sexual reproductive health services and COVID-1

… what you should know

Sexual and reproductive health and rights is a crucial public health issue that demands urgent and sustained attention and investment.

Here is what you need to know

  1. male and female condoms and other contraceptives, including emergency contraception
  2. testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections including HIV Testing services
  3. pregnancy options counselling and where legal, safe abortion and post abortion care
  4. cervical and testicular cancer screening
  5. medical male circumcision
  6. and other related information, counselling and services during the COVID-19 pandemic response.

Ministry of Youth, Sport and Child Development, Ministry of Health and UNFPA are committed to ensuring that modern contraceptives and other reproductive health commodities are available to those who need them


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Everyone must have access on healthy care

1 year, 11 months Ago Report

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This should be done quickly to help out many people

3 years, 9 months Ago Report

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